Product Development Consulting Services

Drive innovation with our new product development consulting services backed by behavioral science.

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Problems We Solve

Developing a new product is a challenging process, one that carries significant risk and uncertainty. As a founder, innovator or product leader, you likely juggle varying responsibilities, customer expectations, and the relentless pressure to constantly innovate all while maintaining your unique vision. This is where we at Patent355 step in. Our new product development consulting service offers our expertise in turning your ideas into a successful high growth product and that's the benefit of a prodcut development consultant.


Unrefined Ideas

Many have ideas, but shaping them into viable products is challenging. Our services refine and transform raw concepts into market-ready solutions.

Resource Limitations

Not all have the means to bring ideas to life. Our consulting provides the strategy and framework, optimizing resource use.

Market Misalignment

Even good products can miss the market's pulse. We ensure alignment with market demands and current trends.

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Our science-backed process

Through our comprehensive product development consulting process, we help take your vision from an idea to product launch. Every stage is meticulously planned and executed, ensuring a streamlined development cycle and highly innovative product. We help your team dig deep to understand what drives human behavior and use this as the foundation for bring your product to life.


We start the product development consulting process with a deep dive research phase. We dig deep into market trends, customer behaviors, competitors, and the overall industry landscape that your new product will enter. Through this research, we help your team identify opportunities and set a strategic direction to guide the entire product lifecycle.


Our team collaborates with you during the ideation phase to brainstorm and conceptualize innovative ideas for your product. We bring fresh behaviorally informed perspectives to the table, sparking creativity and inspiring novel concepts that align with your vision, customer needs and business objectives.


Prototyping is a valuable step in refining your product. We guide your team in creating functional mock-ups or interactive frontend experiences that enable us to provide both external and internal stakeholders with a real experience to wrap their hands around.


The validation phase involves rigorous user testing of your product's usability, functionality, and market fit. We advise your team on how to best collect tangible qualitative and quantitive data to validate your product’s value, its likelihood for success, and make the necessary adjustments to optimize it for market launch.

Case Study: Yearly

↑ 270% ARR | ↑ 146% ACV | ↓ $80k cost

Using realistic prototypes & behavioral science to unlock the next level of growth

Screen capture of the Yearly product website.

The Benefits

Discover the unmatched advantages of our New Product Development Consulting Services.

At each stage during the product lifecycle different challenges arise.
We're there every step of the way.

Coherent Product Vision

Turn your vision into an optimized reality. Our consulting fine-tunes your ideas, aligning them with market demands.

Maximized ROI

With a refined product strategy, experience maximum returns. Efficient resource use and market alignment assure increased ROI.

Reduced Risks

Minimize potential pitfalls. Our systematic approach and continuous validation decrease risks associated with product development.

Future-Ready Solutions

Stay ahead of the curve. Our strategies account for future market shifts, ensuring long-term product relevancy.

Competitive Edge

Stand out in the market. With a unique product vision and strategy, gain a competitive advantage over others.

Behavioral Science Backed

Understand human behavior. The key to unlocking the success of your product lies in an understanding of what drives human behavior - we provide that.

“Product market fit is hard work, and EV accelerates this by taking a behavioral approach to where the value is hidden and they do so by being a great partner and nimble thinkers.”

Andy Van Solkema

OwnIt | Chief Product Officer
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Advisory & Consulting

Creating a successful product requires more than just great idea. That's why we offer a range of advisory services to help your team navigate the complex landscape of product ideation, design, validation and launch.

Customer Discovery Research

Gain valuable insights into your customers' needs and behaviors. Uncover hidden opportunities to enhance your products and strategies through in-depth research and analysis.

Conversion Rate Optimization Services

Unlock growth with expert conversion rate optimization services. Leverage behavioral science for high-impact results. Boost your Conversion Rate (CR) and revenue.

We Wrote the Book

Decoding the Why explores how high growth companies can integrate the power of behavioral science to unlock product & go-to-market strategies.

Use promo code Patent355 to receive a free eBook and Kindle copy.

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